
Are you prepared for the manufacturing & production of the future?

Manufacturing and production

Higher, faster, further. Intelligently networked production facilities are the guarantee of your future success. ADS-TEC Industrial IT is the driving force for the manufacturing of tomorrow. With us you will improve your overall production process using smart hardware, intelligent automation and the networking of industrial PCs and terminals using reliable remote access and IIoT solutions. We will realise exactly your solution together. For your industry. For your future.

Gap-free communication.

The production of tomorrow: Industrial IT as the basis of the overall system. Our intelligent software and hardware solutions seamlessly integrate machines, sensors and data in the production process. Ideal for achieving gap-free communication and data analysis.

Your manufacturing partner.


Fewer downtimes. Better productivity.

Reliable operation of globally networked systems in times of Industry 4.0 is more than just a must. Our Big-LinX remote maintenance solution allows you to monitor your industrial systems continuously and in real time. Guaranteeing that production will run smoothly in the future. Preventative and globally on all of your machines and systems.

This selection of products could be the right one for you:

Perfect integration in all application areas

Manufacturing and Production Manufacturing and Production Shopfloor Machinery and Plant engineering Logistics and Transport Food, Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Machine control Industrial Security Plattform

Find out more about our overall portfolio

From innovation to adaptation.

Signs of the future.