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ADS-TEC Industrial IT Day 2012

The ADS-TEC Industrial IT Day 2012 for Customers and Partners invites on Tuesday, 18th September 2012, to the Conference and Banquet Centre at Stuttgart Airport, Terminal 1. We would like to tie with the success of last years ADS-TEC Information and Technology Day 2011 and present 2012 the latest in Terminals, Panel PCs and IT Infrastructure.

Our Highlights 2012: Current Multi-Touch Technology, The latest processors by Intel® and the ADS-TEC Remote Service Cloud Big-LinX. Besides interesting Technical Lectures, Live Applications and Show Cases will await you. Our customers SEW Eurodrive and Bizerba will introduce in Best Practice Cases how Customized Solutions are realized together with ads-tec. Exchange experience with our experts from Sales, Development and Management and be part of the guest lectures of our Partners Microsoft und Intel®.

Make sure to participate in the ADS-TEC Industrial IT Day 2012 on time and fill out the form today. The event is free of charge for you and your customers.

Date: 18th September 2012
Time: 9.30 to 17.00 o'clock
Place: Airport Stuttgart – Conference and Bankett Centre, Terminal 1, Level 4, 70629 Stuttgart

Please inform yourself about the exciting lectures in our detailed agenda.