
eCart - Advancement Award

The 3rd place of the advancement award "Future of the Climate 2012", which is awarded from the Rotary Club Kirchheim-Nürtingen, was won by 3 pupils of the Max-Eyth-Schule, Technical Academic High-School Kirchheim-Teck. Yesterday, on Wednesday May 9 2012, they were honored for their project "Realization of a ready to start outdoor cart with electric drive" and a trophy money amounting to 1.500 EUR.

Six prize winner projects from pupils of the administrative district of Esslingen has been awarded in total regarding their innovative ideas for the future of the energy turnaround. The 3rd place prize winners presented their eCart on the award presentation at the Mercedes-Benz sales area of Russ-Jesinger in Kirchheim unter Teck. The eCart was completely constructed and build by themselves. ADS-TEC trimmed the car with their Block battery based on lithium ions to make it road run with the energy storage medium.

For the 4th time the advancement award "Future of the Climate" was conferred. In his ceremonial address "Power supply with the Renewables in Baden-Württemberg – what has to be done until 2022?", the minister of environment, climate and energy economy of Baden-Württemberg, Franz Untersteller, showed the chances of the energy turnaround and how it could be realized even today.

With this special award the participating schools are appreciated for their activities, ideas, innovations and technical developments as well as their vivid contribution to the public awareness towards the challenge of the climate change. ADS-TEC congratulates the 3 prize winners from Kirchheim unter Teck to their 3rd place!