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Industrial PC made in Germany

[Translate to English:] Terminals, Industrial Panel PCs und Tablet PCs von ads-tec

[Translate to English:] Terminals, Industrial Panel PCs und Tablet PCs von ads-tec

[Translate to English:] Schnellladelösung HPC-Booster /-Dispenser in Lyon (Foto:ADS-TEC)

[Translate to English:] Schnellladelösung HPC-Booster /-Dispenser in Lyon (Foto:ADS-TEC)

ads-tec provides a hughe portfolio for the comfortable operation of machinery and plants. The Terminals, Industrial Panel PCs and Tablet PCs are developed and produced completely from one source. Long-term availability and high quality standards distinguish the ADS-TEC technologies 100% made in Germany. The new series with current Multi-Touch technology – Industrial Panel PCs of the OPC8000 series and Terminals of the VMT8000 series – are intuitive and comfortable for handling.

To stand the rough industrial surrounding, our Industrial PCs are on duty within visualization and in operation and monitoring in manyfold ways. The Terminals of the VMT6000, VMT7000 and VMT8000 series simplify processes in picking on-vehicle, on stackers and on the plant. A mobile alternative to the Industrial Panel PCs of the OPC7000 and OPC8000 series offer the battery-run Tablet PCs of the TT13 and ITC1000 series. They provide all data clear and flexible everywhere, where you need it. Therefore you are able to trace your processes transparently – Technologie 100% made in Germany.