
Smart Remote Service 2018

From 16 to 19 September, we will present our IoT platform Big-LinX at the Smart Remote Service in Berlin, the largest annual industry meeting in the German-speaking region on the core topics of IoT and Industry 4.0. Based on the platform and the use of open interfaces software solutions can be set up with which you can implement your big data concepts.

In a live demo, our experts will illustrate the technical components of a scalable and functionally expandable solution. This will allow you to gain direct insights into the realization of IoT platforms based on concrete examples and the practical experience of ADS-TEC.

As a Business Partner, we are represented at the 6th Smart Remote Service with a table top exhibition, a lecture and a moderation of the World Café by our IoT experts.
We look forward to seeing you and to many exciting discussions!

Further information you can find here: