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SPS Italia: Successful exhibition presentation

[Translate to English:] ADS-TEC Auftritt auf dem Partnerstand von Sistemi Avanzati (Foto: ADS-TEC)

[Translate to English:] ADS-TEC Auftritt auf dem Partnerstand von Sistemi Avanzati (Foto: ADS-TEC)

Last week, the 8th SPS IPC DRIVES Italia took place in Parma, Italy. The joint ADS-TEC exhibition presentation with our partner Sistemi Avanzati met with great interest among the numerous trade visitors at the leading exhibition for automation in Italy.

The response on our booth was extremely high on all three visiting days. The expert audience showed with concrete project inquiries detailed interest in the Industrial IT product portfolio of ADS-TEC. Especially the TabX tablet and the new generation of the VMT series, the VMT9000, were in the focus of existing and new customers.

For further information about ADS-TEC Industrial IT products please contact